"I've got to protect my supplies better," Polar thinks to himself, "grrr... Now I've got to go to the village for more supplies, i guess dinner is jus gonna have to wait."
Thinking on dinner, Polar takes a few peices of wood from his small pile and builds a box the size of the deer, and hangs it between two 6 foot wooden logs. "That should keep the animals out of it," Polar mutters to himself, " I hope!"
From there on Polar heads to the only human habitat anywhere close to him, a small village that is close enough that Polar can make the trip in good time, but far enough away that the villagers doesnt come looking for him. Polar has traded with the villagers on many occasions for medical supplies, clothing, and on the rare occasion beer and ale. They are a decent manner of people, though they dont care for polar to be around long, and so he just trades and heads back into the woods. As Polar becomes closer to the village he looks around for some good wood, seeing a nice size tree, Polar walks over and puts his iced hands on the trunk and began to push the tree over. The tree's roots made a large cracking sound as they snapped under the presure of Polar's strenth. He then picks up the trunk, not being able to reach around the trunk and lifts it onto his shoulder. After getting the Tree centered, He begins to walk into the town.
As polar is walking to the mill of the village, he notices a man almost bigger than him talking with the inn keeper outside the bar. Polar starts to wonder who this man is and why is he dressed in a big maroon armor, and in his hand he's holding a weird shaped helmet. Polar drops the large tree off at the lumbermill and recieves his money for it, but instead of buying more supplies, he walks over to the bar where the man in the armor just went in. As polar walks in he see's the inkeeper walking past and stops him.
"Who is that man in the wierd armor?" Polar asks the man.
"That's cain marko he comes up here every once in a while." Replies the inkeep.
"huh, is that right," Polar jokes, "well he sure looks friendly an all, looking like a tank."
"he is alright customer for the most part, " the inkeeps says.
"Alright," replies Polar.
With that Polar walks over to Cain and sit's next to him. " excuse me sir? " Polar says. "dont mess with me punk," replies Cain. " But i wanted to ask you sir, are you a mutant?"
Polar asks. At that Cain becomes heated "I'M NO MUTANT, I AM THE UNSTOPPABLE JUGGERNAUT!!"" ....................
be very very careful
He's not kidding when he says "unstoppable." He's gone toe to toe against the Hulk. On several occasions, actually.
dude are you Kodiak Po-lite.
Casue there's a real similarity there.
*proud grin* no he is not me, and im not pullin a 'Mr. sinister' again its really not me I swear!!! No but, the person that is polars author did stay up two nights in a row with me last week playin X-men lengends 2. guess who he play as, well the canuckle head of course, and the human can of wup ass himself juggernaut!!!
well who do expect me to play as? and no i'm not kodiak, tho most have claimed me as being the smaller version of kodiak's auther.
Well i unlocked characters after u left, playing as dead pool, Professor x (he walks and kick @$$) And Ironman yes I said ironman in x-men legends 2, I then of course brought back my fav boy in flames SUNFIRE and of course Heavy Metal-Mann himself, aka Colossus. I kept Iron man in and of course Jean.
Sorry 'I need a tan-man' I'll probly' be a playable character
B-4 you will be.
Woh,*lightbulb* Kodiak in X-men lengens 3. I've got to start thinking of multible outfits to be onlocked, my speicial move BEAR HUG!!! and MAULING ATTACK.
lol sweet i look forward to havin deadpool and ironman... just remember polar when u go makin ur third game bud.
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